
Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT

Logo Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT

The Fraunhofer IPT creates system solutions for the networked, adaptive production of sustainable and resource-saving products and related services. Our focus lies in the areas of process technology, production machines, production quality and metrology, and technology management, and ranges from fundamental principles up to the digital transformation of production.

We develop and optimize new and existing methods, technologies and processes for the production of the future. In this context, we understand production not only in its individual steps, but in the entirety of all processes and connections between the links of the process chain. In this way, we develop both highly specialized individual technologies and networked system solutions for production on behalf of our customers.

The Fraunhofer IPT's clients and cooperation partners come from the entire manufacturing industry: from aviation and space technology, the energy sector, automotive engineering and its suppliers in lightweight production or tool and mold making, machine tools, precision engineering and the optical industry, as well as medical technology, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals.

Currently, around 535 employees work at the Fraunhofer IPT. In Aachen, we have a total area of 9000 m² at our disposal. Of this, around 5000 m² is used as laboratories and machine halls.

Through the Fraunhofer Center for Manufacturing Innovation CMI in Boston, USA, we also offer our customers sustainable technology transfer between European and American industry.

Blickfeld GmbH

Logo Blickfeld GmbH

Founded in 2017 and based in Munich, Blickfeld GmbH develops innovative LiDAR sensors that provide real-time 3D data for the digitalization and automation of numerous applications. As an internationally acting company, Blickfeld offers solutions for volume detection, people counting, security applications and autonomous smart mobility functions.

For the SAMIRA2.0 project, Blickfeld supplies precise 3D sensor technology for the SAMIRAmobil multi-sensor module.